VINA-D51 ARM Cortex M4F ATSAMD51 Control Module
Based on the ATSAMD51N20
VINA-D51 at a glance
CircuitPython and UF2 Bootloader pre-installed, easy Quick-Start, flexible power input with vibration resistant latching connectors, powerful debug capabilities, large off-chip 16MB QSPI Flash Filesystem for data and program storage, Microchip Atmel ATSAMD51N20A ARM Cortex-M4F MCU, latching I2C connector w/optional pull-ups, latching RS485 connector w/optional termination, WIFI-enabled using the 12-pin AUX expansion socket and ESP-01S WIFI module or ATW-01 WINC-1500 module, UARTs, A/D Inputs, DAC, Digital I/O, USB, Capacitive Touch, I2S Audio, RTC Crystal.
Everything you need from your Controller Module:
POWER : Powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F microcontroller — based on the Microchip Atmel ATSAMD51N20 w/1MB of program flash and 256K of RAM at 120 MHz Core clock
INDUSTRIAL GRADE : All industrial spec parts for reliable operation in demanding applications
CONNECTIVITY : USB interface for connecting to your development PC or Laptop computer for programming; provides virtual com port for CircuitPython console and UART, and mass storage filesystem interface to the 16MB on-board flash for programs and data storage; can additionally be used in your application
CONTROL & INTERFACING : RS485, I2C, WIFI : Latching I2C interface connector on-board for sensors, controllers, displays, keypads, etc, on this common bus; latching RS485 interface connector on-board, a UART-style differential bus with high noise immunity common in manufacturing and control automation applications; 12-pin AUX expansion socket on-board and WIFI-enabled using the ubiquitous and inexpensive ESP-01S module and general expansion capability; additionally, VINA-D51 brings out Digital I/O, UARTs, I2C, SPI, A/D, DAC, USB, and many other useful control and interfacing capabilities to the edge
DEVELOPMENT & DEBUG : CircuitPython and UF2 Bootloader pre-installed to get started developing right away with just a laptop or PC and a text editor; no extra software or IDEs to install and no extra hardware to purchase; and with a standard ARM Cortex SWD debug header on-board, low level programming in C/C++ with source-level, single-step debugging utilizing a hardware programmer like the Segger J-Link
DATA STORAGE : Large 16 MB of on-board flash filesystem storage space for your programs and data presented as an external drive on your development workstation; soldered directly to the board, this flash storage won’t suffer from corrosion or vibration in harsh environments like SD-Card type storage are prone
FLEX VOLTAGE : Robust power section with wide voltage input range for flexible and reliable operation, and enough headroom to supply power to other devices - perhaps even your whole application board - up to about 3 amps; incorporates industrial grade Molex latch-lock connector that will not vibrate loose even in the most demanding applications
The VINA-D51 is a powerful, robust, pluggable control module designed for modular control applications. Built with all-industrial grade components and features, it is well-suited for a wide variety of automation and control requirements, including harsh environments.
The VINA-D51 Control Module saves time and money by providing a proven, modular design, that enables custom application-specific solutions to move from the drawing board to the finished product quickly.
VINA-D51 enables you to develop your application-specific board independently of the controller section. This simplifies your design, saves CAD time during the design phase, reduces errors that can cost weeks of PCB re-manufacture to correct, and saves debug time during the prototype and testing phases. By starting with VINA-D51, you start from a known-good foundation, reducing complexity and risk.
Incorporate the VINA-D51 in your designs over and over again and multiply your savings. Useful for custom applications, one-off projects, breadboarded prototypes, and even standalone projects. VINA-D51 has all of the common essentials built-in, on-board.
To get you started even more quickly, BDMICRO provides the Autodesk Eagle CAD part for VINA-D51. Getting started is as easy as downloading the part and adding it to your application specific design, allowing you to focus on your custom application's needs, with all the right connectors, headers, and other circuitry needed for your project solution.
Capable of running standalone, modular piggy back on application-specific boards, or breadboarded, the VINA-D51 is a great choice for your next project.
See the ATSAMD51N20A Datasheet for detailed information on the MCU's capabilities.
Feature Detail
- 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F MCU @ 120MHz using the ATSAMD51N20A
- 1MB Firmware Flash - large firmware space
- 256KB Static RAM - large RAM data space
- Hardware Peripheral Control - A/D, DAC, Digital I/O, UARTs, I2C, SPI, I2S, PWM, Timers, Capacitive Touch, and more
- CircuitPython pre-installed
- Easy to get started developing immediately using only a PC or Laptop, and a text editor
- UF2 Bootloader pre-installed
- No IDEs needed or complicated development environments to set up or install and no additional hardware needed for programming
USB Port for programming and interfacing
- Virtual COM Port for connecting to the console using standard terminal emulator from a PC or Laptop - no additional hardware required for programming
- Large 16MB Flash Filesystem for data and programs
- Mass Storage Device Interface to PC or Mac for downloading programs
- WIFI using the ESP-01S module socket
- WIFI using the BDMICRO ATW-01 WINC1500-based WiFi module
Wide voltage input from 3.7 to 24V with robust Latch-Lock connector that won't vibrate loose
- USB Port Power
- RS485 Port - with optional termination on-board, for interfacing with this common, differential, high noise immunity industrial control bus — mating part is the Molex —0430250408 3mm MicroFit 3.0 Series; optional power can be supplied to or from the RS485 bus through jumper selection
- I2C connector - 4-pins supplying SCL, SDA, GND, and optional 3.3V to power external I2C devices like sensors and displays
- On-board I2C pull-ups - can be optionally disabled
- ARM Cortex SWD Debug Port - for low-level firmware flashing and source level single-step debugging with hardware programmer support such as the Segger J-Link
- Robust, Latch-Lock Power Connector - will not vibrate loose, suitable for harsh environments; mating part is the Molex 0430250208 MicroFit 3.0 series
- Jumper Selectable Power - either USB or External
- Jumper-Enabled RS485 Bus termination
- Jumper Enabled I2C Bus pull-ups
- Jumper Enabled 3.3V Power to or from the RS485 Bus
- Jumper Enabled 3.3V Power to or from the I2C Bus
- Fused Power Inputs - both USB and External Power fused appropriately for their voltage input and current draw
- Power Indicator LED
- 3 Programmable Status LEDs - Red, Green, and Blue - connected to digital I/O and fully programmable under application control
- RX & TX LEDs - for use by CircuitPython to indicate trasmission and reception of data over USB, or fully programmable under application control
- Small Size - 1.6 x 2.8 inches
- Low Power
- All Industrial grade parts - ready for demanding control applications
Links and Downloads
- VINA-D51 Manual
- Eagle Part Library for VINA-D51
- CircuitPython on GitHub
- CircuitPython Documentation
- UF2 Bootloader on GitHub
- Microchip Atmel ATSAMD51N20A Datasheet
- Microchip Atmel Start